
TheUTCLD1117/A-Kisalowdropout,3-terminalpositivevoltageregulatordesignedtoprovideoutputcurrentupto800mA/1A,Thereareadjustableversion.( ...,2013年11月20日—TheLD1117isalowdropvoltageregulatorabletoprovideupto800mAofoutputcurrent,availableeveninadjustableversion(VREF=.,概述.LD1117是一個輸出電流達到1A的三端輸.出低壓差線性穩壓器,有1.2V、1.8V、2.5V、.3.3V、5.0V及可調節輸出電壓等各種版本,.其電壓降...


The UTC LD1117/A-K is a low dropout, 3-terminal positive voltage regulator designed to provide output current up to 800mA/1A, There are adjustable version. ( ...

Adjustable and fixed low drop positive voltage regulator

2013年11月20日 — The LD1117 is a low drop voltage regulator able to provide up to 800 mA of output current, available even in adjustable version (VREF =.

UMW LD1117

概述. LD1117是一個輸出電流達到1A的三端輸. 出低壓差線性穩壓器,有1.2V、1.8V、2.5V、. 3.3V、5.0V 及可調節輸出電壓等各種版本,. 其電壓降在1A 時僅為1.2V。以其 ...

LD1117 Datasheet(PDF)

Part #: LD1117. Download. File Size: 473Kbytes. Page: 38 Pages. Description: LOW DROP FIXED AND ADJUSTABLE POSITIVE VOLTAGE REGULATORS.

LD1117V33 STMicroelectronics

LD1117V33 規格書(PDF). ECAD模型: 構建或請求LD1117V33的PCB符號、封裝圖或模型. 下載 ... LD1117. 封裝: Tube. 品牌: STMicroelectronics. 壓差電壓- 最大值: 1.1 V. 高度 ...


DESCRIPTION. The LD1117 is a LOW DROP Voltage Regulator able to provide up to 800mA of Output Current, available even in adjustable version (Vref=1.25V).


The LD1117 is a low drop voltage regulator able to provide up to 800 mA of output current, available even in adjustable version. (VREF = 1.25 V).

Low drop fixed and adjustable positive voltage regulators

2013年7月24日 — The LD1117A is a low drop voltage regulator able to provide up to 1 A of output current, available also in adjustable versions (VREF = 1.25 ...